Having Invisalign as an adult. What is it like?

We often see adult professionals in our clinic asking about Invisalign. As a child, they didn’t have the opportunity to straighten their teeth for whatever reason, and now that they have a good income, their appearance has become more important to them.

An adult male who went through the clear aligner process wanted to share his experience to help you decide if Invisalign invisible braces is right for you.

Q: “What prompted you to consider orthodontic treatment?”

A: “A few years ago, I remember how insecure I felt when smiling. My wonky teeth had bothered me for a while, but not enough to take any action. One day, the girl I was dating asked why one tooth was higher than all the others. I was a bit embarrassed. I had traditional braces as a teenager, but the reason why that tooth was misaligned was because I didn’t wear my retainer after I get my braces off. From that point on, my insecurity about my smile increased and decided to do something about it.”

Why choose Invisalign?

Q: “What prompted you to have Invisalign?”

A: “I enjoy smiling when around people, but found myself doing it less because of my teeth. When I did smile, I tried to minimise how much of my teeth showed. I knew that straighter teeth would boost my confidence and remove any awkwardness that I might have. But my experiences with metal braces as a child was not good.

Clear Aligners vs Traditional Metal Braces

He went on to say “There was no way I would ever wear metal braces again and I’d be stuck with an embarrassing mouth forever. One day, I read this article from a dentist about Invisalign talking about orthodontic treatment for teenagers. I wanted to see if they had anything more suitable for my age (28) as well. If it worked for teens, maybe there is a solution for adults as well.

I was right. Invisalign not only offered treatment options for adults, but they also had great results for people like myself for minor to moderate teeth issues.”

What is it like? Does it hurt?

Q: “How was the treatment process?”

A: “I started Invisalign treatment about two years ago, and now it’s a distant memory. I’m glad I did it, and I’m reminded of this great decision to undergo Invisalign treatment when I look in the mirror. These almost invisible braces are the perfect choice for professional adults because you can take them off if you need to and then just put them back in later.”

Q: “What about for eating?”
A: “You’ll appreciate the choice of being able to take them out when your boss calls you about an important lunch time meeting with a client. It’s easy to take your aligners off before the meeting, brush your teeth after lunch, then put them back on.”

Do your friends notice you have braces?

A: “Unless somebody has a really good look at your mouth, no one will ever notice the nearly invisible aligners. My experience with Invisalign is a good one, and much less painful than brackets and wires you get with traditional braces. There was some inconvenience during the first few weeks while my teeth adjusted to wearing an aligner, so at the suggestion of my Sydney dentist, I switched retainers at night time so that I would be asleep during the transition period and wake up feeling well-adjusted.”

Further information these amazing invisible braces, read The lowdown on Invisalign

North Sydney Dental Practice
Suite 201, Level 2, 83 Mount Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
02 9922 1476

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